The brilliantly ballyhooed drive-in triple feature known as "Orgy Of The Living Dead" was a kooky conglomeration of the following horror films: the 1966 sanitarium slasher (and proto-giallo) La lama nel corpo (aka The Murder Clinic) from filmmakers Elio Scardamaglia and Lionello De Felice; Mario Bava's supernatural stunner Operazione paura (aka Kill, Baby...Kill!), also from 1966; and the sub-par Spanish vampire tale Malenka (1969), starring shapely Swede Anita Ekberg, from "Blind Dead" maestro Amando de Ossorio. The misleading new titles suggested that the films were related, which they were not, and ticket buyers expecting an orgy would drive home disappointed. A tawdry trailer purporting to depict an unfortunate viewer driven insane by the trio of titles was widely sampled in video compilations and can now be seen on YouTube.