The 1959 European crime thriller L'inferno addosso ("Hell On You") from director Gianni Vernuccio (1955's Cartouche) was repackaged for a 1966 U.S. release by distributor/producer William Mishkin. Also known as The Accomplices, it featured Sandro Pizzochero (The Slasher...Is The Sex Maniac!) and Sandro Luporini (The Man Who Burnt His Body) as two vapid young layabouts who mastermind a kidnapping plot that unravels over their mutual interest in "really pretty girl" Michela (Annabella Incontrera of The Black Belly Of The Tarantula). Often confused with the German film Die Wahrheit über Rosemarie (aka She Walks By Night), also from 1959, which played some U.S. engagements as Love Now, Pay Later.